Weapon: MPiAK74

One of the rarest issued AK bayonets is the East german Kampfmesser (KM) 87. This bayonet was developed in 1987 for use with the East German MPiAK74 . There were only about 3000-3500 of these bayonets produced before the "fall of the wall" and the collapse of East germany. These were designed as a survival knife as well as a bayonet. It also comes with a small instruction booklet.

The pommel unscrews and reveals a small plastic capsule - inside capsule is one each 3mm, 4mm, 4.5 mm and 5 mm diameter split lead shot weights, two 10 mm long fish hooks, two 15 mm long fish hooks, two red over green flare matches, one green over red tip flare match, three iodine water purification tablets, two 40 mm long straight sewing needles and one sterile suture kit. The lid of the capsule contains a plastic magnifying lens and under a round leather plug in pommel there is monofilament fishing line. The blade itself has a protractor on one side and 5 cm scale on the other. The belt loop contains a piece of polished steel signaling mirror.



Civilian version was made 1989 or after, using original parts. CV has no mounting ring and chromed pommel is different. Blade marked "Suhl"


KM89 Suhl